Rajanish kumar, shrey jainfinal feasibility study report volume i main report march. The analysis period is the number of years over which the pavement lifecycle analysis is conducted. A 50 year analysis cycle was used to compute the costeffectiveness ratio for the design methods. Several engineering factors such as materials and structural performance are considered in conjunction with the initial and life cycle costs as well as sustainable benefits. Typically, the analysis period should go beyond the design life for all alternatives to reflect longterm cost differences. There is usually not a single design that meets the design criteria but a number of alternative designs. It is used to compare of each design alternatives over its life alternative, considering all parameters of cost and benefits. Beyond its applications in the pavement design process, broader use of. Hence, for an optimum secondary road flexible pavement design with geotextile incorporated in the system, a life cycle cost analysis. Recognizing its benefit, several agencies have implemented. The analysis period should be at least 50 years in comparing new pavements. Development of overweight permit fee using mechanisticempirical pavement design and lifecycle cost analysis by jingnan zhao thesis director. Pdf evaluation of pavement life cycle cost analysis. Feasibility of perpetual pavement stage construction in.
Authors geoffrey lamptey, muhammad ahmad, samuel labi and kumares sinha 8. Review and analysis article pdf available in international journal of pavement research and technology 94 august 2016 with 2,180 reads. California dot price index for selected highway construction costs. Lifecycle cost analysis life cycle cost analysis lcca an economic analysis tool useful in comparing the relative economic merits of competing construction and rehabilitation design alternatives for a single project. This project represents an advancement in life cycle cost analysis, providing as it does a new framework for life cycle cost analysis. Working from literature, historical data and interviews, the lcca technique is described and an overview of the road and street system in iceland is presented.
Life cycle cost analysis provides an approach for computing the cost of a product or its serviceability. Nowadays, highway pavement construction, maintenance and rehabilitation costs are rising dramatically. It is essential for highway agencies to utilise tools and approaches that facilitate proper decisionmaking by applying economics and operations research such as lifecycle cost analysis lcca to achieve economically reasonable longterm investments. The analysis period should include the initial pavement cost and the cost of at least one subsequent rehabilitation. Lifecycle cost to provide some benefits pavement design, it is penndot found that lifecycle cost analysis process, improve the quality of all road design input, and lead to better. Life cycle cost analysis can be performed on large and small buildings or on isolated building systems. Pdf life cycle cost analysis for optimal pavement design. Key words pavement life cycle cost, pavement performance. The cost of road construction consists of design expenses, material extraction, construction. Indot design manual standards, and a survey of experts. The determination of lifecycle costs of alternative pavement types is an important. Life cycle cost analysis for pavement selection 3 with a probabilistic approach, input values to the analysis are defined as a range of values and their probability of occurrence. There is usually not a single design that meets the design criteria but a number of alternative designs that can be considered as viable solutions. Then, through simulation, output cost is expressed as ranges of values, also with probabilities of occurrence.
The lcca should be performed early in the design process. The lcca methodology developed here is tested on a hypothetical. Therefore, it is suggested that portland cement concrete pavement shall be used in pccp pavement construction to cater local material requirements. Lcca pavement type selection flow charts august 1, 20 pdf lcca online training for realcost version 2. Effectivess of using geotextiles in flexible pavements. Pdf the cost of road construction consists of design expenses, material extraction, construction equipment, maintenance and rehabilitation. Street sw, washington, dc 20590 federal highway administration 400 7th street, sw washington, dc 20590. An economic analysis process known as lifecycle cost analysis lcca is used to evaluate the.
The determination of lifecycle costs of alternative pavement types is an important part of a rational means for decision making. In the four decades since aasho began advocating calculation of the full costs associated with highway pavement projects, various life cycle cost methods have. The current txdot pavement manual states a 20year design life for flexible pavements and 30year for rigid pavements. A life cycle cost analysis lcca is an analysis methodology that enable engineers, designers, and decision makers to better understand the economic impacts of infrastructure decisions over time along with the opportunities that exist to reduce impacts. Lifecycle cost analysis in pavement design, fhwa sa98079 1998 lifecycle cost analysis revisited, m. An appropriate and nonbiased method for lifecycle cost analysis is articulated by the federal highway administration fhwa in demonstration project no. Determining construction quantities and unit prices is the first step in. Life cycle cost analysis for indot pavement design procedures. Frost damage in pavements executive summary youtube full length youtube pavement design links. The caltrans highway design manual hdm was updated in june 2006, to incorporate the use of life cycle cost analyses to determine the optimum pavement design for new construction, widening and rehabilitation projects. Life cycle cost analysis considerations in pavement type. Cost and benefit analysis of rigid and flexible pavement. Lifecycle cost analysis introduction october 20 lifecycle cost analysis realcost 2.
Life cycle cost analysis pavement type selection is one of the most challenging decisions for municipalities. This new methodology, however, determines when maintenance and rehabilitation activities will be required by predicting the distresses and the condition of the pavement due to traffic and environmental loading. Cshub pavements lcca research considers life cycle, context, and future, and also incorporates risk. In this example, alternative b would be credited with a monetary value. Pavement division, hng40 office of engineering federal highway administration 400 7. The road design manual for all processes, including lifecycle cost analysis. For projects to be constructed prior to july 1, 2011, when feasible, the department will use its best efforts to perform lifecycle cost. Pavement design guide recommended the concept of life cycle costing builds and refers to 1960 aasho guide carries to aashto 1983 and 1993 design guide recommendations endorsing lcca use as a means for economic evaluation and decision support tool. Life cycle cost analysis lcca is performed by transportation agencies in the design phase of.
Life cycle cost analysis for indot pavement design. For example, the irr is the preferred economic indicator when projects are. A lifecycle cost analysis is required for projects to be constructe d after july 1, 2011. Four flexible pavement design features were selected to test the degree. Lifecycle cost analysis is an analysis technique that builds on the wellfounded principles of economic analysis to evaluate the overalllongterm economic efficiency between competing. Lifecycle cost analysis lcca is an analytical framework to assess the most economically prudent investment from a set of alternatives. Pdf life cycle cost analysis for pavement type selection. Pdf life cycle cost analysis based on the fundamental. Life cycle cost analysis lcca is a datadriven tool that provides a detailed account of the total costs of a project over its expected. For infrastructure, major total cost over the lifetime of these assets is encountered after construction, i.
This report describes a life cycle cost analysis lcca for road pavements and evaluates its impact on pavement type choice. Jan mikolaj, lubos remeklife cycle cost analysis integral part of road network management system fhwas life cycle cost analysis primer. Ovirisensitivity analysis on flexible roads pavement life cycle cost model. Life cycle cost analysis, pavement design, pavement. This interim technical bulletin recommends procedures for conducting lifecycle cost analysis lcca of pavements, provides detailed procedures to determine work zone user costs, and introduces a probabilistic approach to account for the uncertainty associated with lcca inputs. A simplified illustration of the activity and timing is illustrated in figure 1. Lifecycle cost analysis in pavement design interim technical bulletin september 1998. To the mid80s, these manuals are designed to use the road every penndot. The objective of this analysis is to carry out a comparison between these different pavement structures in terms of present total cost which. The vice provost for land and buildings convened a team of staff from departments within land and buildings, along. Three different pp structures in china are chosen for the life cycle cost analysis in addition to one conventional semi rigid pavement as shown in fig. Life cycle cost analysis for optimal pavement design andor maintenance strategies. Life cycle cost analysis of asphalt and concrete pavements. Life cycle cost analysis of portland cement concrete.
Hao wang this study is conducted to investigate a framework to develop permit fee for overweight trucks using mechanisticempirical me pavement design and lifecycle cost analysis lcca. Refer to chapter 610, topic 612 pavement design life and topic 619 lifecycle cost analysis of the hdm. Life cycle cost analysis lcca is an economic evaluation technique that determines the total cost of owning and operating a facility over period of time. Specification 2360 plant mixed asphalt pavement design guidelines for local agencies 17sa01 pdf, 1. Due to current conservative texas pp designs, recommendations were provided for structural and material design for future cost. Life cycle cost analysis based on the fundamental cost contributors for asphalt pavements article pdf available in structure and infrastructure engineering 1012. Many building owners apply the principles of life cycle cost analysis in decisions they. Sustainable perpetual asphalt pavements and comparative. A 40year analysis period should be used for this analysis. In this study, a comprehensive life cycle cost analysis framework was developed and used to quantify the initial and the future cost of 25 representative design alternatives. This report describes the development of a new life cycle cost analysis methodology for portland cement concrete pavements one that considers all aspects of pavement design, construction, maintenance, and user impacts throughout the analysis period. Joint transportation research program, indiana department of transportation and purdue university, west lafayette, indiana, 2005. Lifecycle cost analysis in pavement design defines lifecycle cost analysis lcca.
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